English Courses

When parents are thinking about what support they can give their child, many look at Maths. In fact, research has shown that many, if not most, children would benefit from improved English skills.

Improved English skills impact on pretty much every subject children will cover in secondary schools and so it’s essential children have very solid core English skills.

Children without very good core skills will never be able to do themselves justice at secondary school.

How we help children improve their core English skills.

Our initial assessments will show up where the weaknesses are and then we would start a pupil on a relevant course.

In addition to our course work, we also ask that pupils begin a habit which should last them a lifetime by reading each and every day. Reading has a wonderfully positive effect on English skills over time but it is no quick fix.

Our courses focus on the core English skills relevant to your child’s age group. We then adjust these depending on how advanced or behind they are.

What results can you expect?

Our English courses for 7-12 year olds are very effective.

We would aim to take a pupil who is below average and transform them into a pupil who is above average within a year.

Many of our parents come to us simply because they feel their child could do better with more help, focus, and work. Inevitably parents are correct and working with their children a little each day will improve them from an average position to performing to the best of their ability.

Some parents come to us because their children are far too advanced for the work they have at Junior School (state or private). Inevitably many of these children will have ambitions to go through to a selective 11 Plus exam which we will help them with, but for those who don’t we can help them with work that will stimulate and further advance their children.

What level of commitment is expected?

If we are working slowly but surely to turn around performance we might ask a child to work for about 15 minutes per night, every school day. We don’t believe that working every single day is desirable. Children need time to relax and blow off steam if they are to achieve their best long term.

Where we work more intensively to correct performance levels we might ask pupils to work for half an hour each day. This will give them a real boost and would normally lead to a transformation in performance within a six-month timeframe.

What do the English course lessons cost?

Lessons In The Post provides excellent value for money without any tie-ins.

Where children are working less intensively for around 15 minutes each school day we charge about £12 per lesson or £144 for a 12-week term. Often parents like to spread the cost so this works out at £36 monthly.

Where children work more intensively for 30 minutes each school day we charge about £21 per lesson or £252 each term which works out at around £63 per month.

These costs are about 70% cheaper than a typical Private Tutor (not including travelling costs) and about 30% cheaper than other supplementary education providers.

How can you get started?

Fill out the contact us box on this page and we will respond via e-mail. We will then arrange to send you the assessment tests. When these come back to us we will mark them and discuss the results with you. We can then decide on the most suitable course for your child’s needs and ambitions.