How We Started

Lessons in the Post began through private tuition. With nearly 30 years of teaching experience in the state and private sector, demand for our full-time tuition became very high. That’s why we decided to start writing down lesson plans so that parents could take their children through the work at home with support from a tutor as required.

Parents and children loved the idea! The parents found taking their children through the lessons easy once they had got into a rhythm and the children found our lessons to be an enjoyable way to learn.  The added benefits of being able to do the work in their own time at home without travelling and the significantly reduced cost compared to a private tutor made sure the idea really took off.

From Lessons In The Post to Learning Street

Lessons in the Post continues to focus on helping children aged 7 to 11+ around the world do their very best in 11+ entry tests for Independent or Grammar Schools, while reaching their full potential in Maths and/or English more widely.

Lessons in the Post has become so popular that we often find our courses are fully subscribed. We have therefore recently evolved Lessons In the Post into a streamlined service called Learning Street.

Learning Street provides the same high quality and range of learning materials as Lessons In The Post in structured study courses available to download at home. All courses come complete with full answers and explanations, and help available via e-mail should you need it.

The improved streamlined service means that we can offer it to a much wider audience at a far more affordable one-off price: £19 to £89 depending on the course you select. It’s also great for overseas students as the resources can be downloaded at any time anywhere in the world!